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"Theo - A Conversation with Honesty" premieres at Black Nights Film Festival

In the picturesque scenery of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, the renowned Black Nights Film Festival took place this year. For us, the dedicated and young team of Art4um, it was an indescribable moment to present our feature film "Theo - A Conversation with Honesty" on such a prestigious platform.

With excited hearts, we, the core team, traveled to Tallinn. We were ready to show our work to an international audience and experience firsthand the flair of this significant film festival in Europe. When the lights went out in the cinema hall and our film started on the screen, it was a magical moment that we will not soon forget.

But the festival offered us much more than just a platform for our premiere. It was a chance to network with industry leaders, aspiring filmmakers and producers. The conversations were insightful and the new contacts made could open doors to exciting future projects.

The positive response to "Theo" was overwhelming and validated all the hard work and passion we had put into the project. It was not only a triumph in cinematography for us, but also a confirmation that stories told with heart and dedication always find an echo.

This unforgettable experience at the Black Nights Film Festival marks only the beginning of an exciting journey in the film world for us at Art4um. We look to the future with confidence, buoyed by the memories of this memorable event.


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